Zhoufng's Blog!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

SECOND POST ( Not so good )

Ok, back to school, and I'm still not recognising this place.

I have totally NO idea why.

Yeah, I'm like the newbie around and I'm almost freaking out.

Luckily, I could AT LEAST recognise where my classroom is, where's the toilet, where's the canteen and most importantly, the entrance and exit.

It's like I'm taking the same gate for the entrance and exit, but on the first day of REAL school I was LOST (not like when you say 'Get Lost' though).

This happened right after school, when I was walking out of the classroom and heading for the Admin Centre, but I wanted to go to the canteen anyway. FYI, my class is 1O3, so those two places are totally the opposites. As such, i went around the Admin Centre (Not knowing that I was on the wrong track) and then came back to the exact place where I've been three minutes ago. After what seemed like eternity, Ifinally SMSed my friend. With a censored word in the SMS, I asked him where is the canteen. He didn't reply and then I went MAD. I runmaged through my bag and found a map extracted during the Registration day in HCI. Sorry but I went furher off track and into Block C, where the canteen was like half a kilometre away (maybe not that much). Desperate, I called my friend to meet him at the Kah Kee Hall (which I knew). He was like 'Oh hi, don't you know where's the canteen' in an extremely sarcastic manner. Gah, forget it. Just bring me to that canteen.

To make long stories short, he did.

And I finally knew where's the toilet AFTER that incident.

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