Zhoufng's Blog!

Friday 13 August 2010

Alex Kava---Black Friday____Book Review

This book, Black Friday by Alex Kava, depicts a group of teenage suicide bombers striking the heart of America, the Mall of America in Minnesota during Christmas Eve. It has been one year sinve the 9/11 bombing and Robert Asante (A-Santay), the so-called Project Manager #2, has with him a few suicide bombers, who are high-school students. They are Dixon, Chad and Tyler. The relationship among them and their friends are quite confusing, so let me introduce them to you. Rebecca, Dixon and Patrick are old friends, while Chad and Tyler are simply Dixon's friends. They are hired by Asante, an infamous bomber.

As said, when the bombing happened on a busy Friday, many shoppers were caught unattended. Rebecca, especially, was standing about 10 feet away from Chad when the red duffel bag behind him exploded. She was knocked out by the impact straightaway. However, Asante is shocked when he finds out one of the 3 bomb carriers is alive. He then rushes to the mall, only to find out that Rebecca has the duffel bag with her, which hasn't exploded yet (Of course, Asante don't know who Rebecca is). When Asante confronts her, Patrick rushes in time to get Rebecca away from trouble. 

Back in Virginia, FBI profiler Maggie O' Dell is informed of the incident in Minnesota. She was immediately gotten rid of her holiday (not a good thing). She rushes off to the crime scene, only to find chaos ruling over the entire mall. She then joins a group of other professional agents to solve the riddle: Who's the man behind this bombing? As they scan through the security tapes (which were mostly unharmed), they found something disturbing: The red-duffel bags carried by the college students.

As the agents go deeper and deeper beneath to solve the crime, dark secrets are revealed and Maggie O'Dell realises that her brother is also in imminent danger when he is kidnapped by Asante. Coincidentally, her brother is..... Patrick.

Go read this book for yourself. It's just simply awesome! :)

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